Vitamin Optimix Cooking
Futtermedicus - supplement feed for adult dogs
Vitamin Optimix Cooking – cooking for dogs and adding minerals and vitamins to the food
Cooking for your dog – with Futtermedicus and Vitamin Optimix Cooking you will succeed!
If the cooked dog food is from your own kitchen, you should add the supplement feed Vitamin Optimix Cooking because the food is still missing necessary minerals and vitamins.
Futtermedicus Vitamin Optimix Cooking
- mineral feed for dogs (full-grown & healthy)
- supplement tailored to self-cooked dog food
- provides dogs with volume elements, trace elements and vitamins as needed
- considers that our four-legged friends have a 3- to 4- times higher need for minerals than we do
- additional bone and intestinal feeding is not required
- includes recipes for dogs of all sizes
Cooking for dogs – this is how you will get the menu right: “one portion” iron from the liver, calcium from the bones and a dash of zinc from the fur – those are the components from which wolves naturally get their food. In nature dogs get their share of minerals from eating whole prey animals. If we cook the food by ourselves, we need to “recreate” a whole prey animal for our nutrition plan. When supplementing important vitamins and minerals with Futtermedicus Vitamin Optimix Cooking, you will be able to give your dog a balanced diet without adding parts of the prey animal to the feeding bowl.
Quality supplement feeds
Vitamin Optimix supplement feeds are high-quality products of Futtermedicus. Our team of nutrition experts develops adequate supplement feeds for dogs and cats. Futtermedicus Vitamin Optimix Cooking is highly concentrated and easy to use. Because of its high concentration it lasts a long time. The taste and smell of Vitamin Optimix Cooking is well accepted by dogs.
Nutritional counselling – Futtermedicus makes cooking easy
Pasta should be cooked softer than “al dente”, the menu should be coordinated with the demand-oriented dog food and you should add minerals and vitamins to the cooked food. – This is what you need to be a star chef for your dog. You wish to get personal counselling? Our experts who specialize in nutrition and dietetics will be able to advise you. E-mail us at – product inquiries are free of charge; individual nutritional counselling is chargeable after consultation.
Animal species: | Dog |
Ergänzungsfuttermittel: | Vitamine und Mineralien |
Für den Hund: | Ergänzungsfuttermittel |
Futterzusätze zum Kochen: | Erwachsene Hunde |
Futterzusätze für Spezialf(a)elle: | Ernährungsbedingter Mangel |
Calciumcarbonat, Monocalciumphosphat, Dextrose, Kaliumchlorid, Magnesiumoxid, Natriumchlorid
19 % Calcium
6,6 % Chlorid
5 % Phosphor
5 % Kalium
2,9 % Magnesium
1 % Natrium
Zusatzstoffe je kg
ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe
Vitamin A (3a672a | Retinylacetat) 250.000 I.E.
Vitamin D3 (3a671 | Cholecalciferol) 30.000 I.E.
Vitamin E (3a700 | all-rac-alpha-Tocopherylacetat) 1,7 g
Vitamin B1 (3a821 | Thiaminmononitrat) 0,17 g
Vitamin B2 (3a825i | Riboflavin) 0,25 g
Vitamin B3 (3a314 | Niacin) 0,85 g
Vitamin B5 (3a841 | Calcium-D-Pantothenat) 1,2 g
Vitamin B6 (3a831 | Pyridoxinhydrochlord) 0,17 g
Vitamin B7 (3a880 | Biotin) 1 mg
Vitamin B9 (3a316 | Folsäure) 15 mg
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 1,7 mg
Kupfer (3b405 | Kupfer(II)-sulfat Pentahydrat) 0,35 g
Zink (3b603 | Zinkoxid) 2,5 g
Eisen (3b103 | Eisen(II)-sulfat Monohydrat) 0,85 g
Mangan (3b503 | Mangan(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat) 0,18 g
Jod (3b201 |Kaliumjodid) 50 mg
Use the futtermedicus calculator to calculate the amount of food and mineral powder required for your dog. Simply enter your dog's ideal weight and we will send you the necessary amounts of food:
Feeding plan for adult dogs with
Der Energiebedarf kann je nach Alter, Rasse und Aktivität Ihres Tieres individuell schwanken und abweichende Futtermengen bedingen.
Die Kohlenhydrate sehr weich kochen.
Das Fleisch und den Fisch bitte roh abwiegen, dann gebraten oder gegart verfüttern. Der Anteil an Innereien kann 30% der angegebenen Fleischmenge betragen. Leber sollte aufgrund des hohen Vitamin-A-Gehaltes zu max. 10 g pro 10 kg Hund verfüttert werden. Die Fütterung von Knochen und Innereien ist bei diesem Futterplan nicht nötig , aber möglich. Der Knochenanteil sollte nicht mehr als 5 % der Gesamtration betragen.
Gemüse und Obst können roh (fein geraspelt/püriert) oder gekocht verfüttert werden. Bitte verzichte auf Zwiebeln, Knoblauch, Weintrauben, Rosinen und Avocado.
Zur Versorgung mit essenziellen Fettsäuren bewährt sich eine Mischung aus 80 % linolsäurereichem Öl (z.B. Sonnenblumen-, Distel-, Hanföl) in Kombination mit 20 % Omega-3-Fettsäuren-reichem Öl (z.B. Fischöl, Algenöl). Alternativ kannst du gerne unser Optinature Fellglanz BARF Öl verwenden. Ein Teelöffel Öl entspricht ca. 4 g.
Zu Beginn erst eine kleine Menge des Mineralpulvers in das Futter geben und dann über 4-5 Tage auf die Zielmenge steigern. Bitte nicht erhitzen, sondern unter die abgekühlte Futterration mischen. Das Mineralpulver immer frisch zur Ration geben. 1 Messlöffel (gestrichen) entspricht ca. 3,5 g.
What's the difference between Vitamin Optimix Cooking & Vitamin Optimix Barf plus Calcium?
The composition of both products is identical, the big difference lies in the feed plans of the two mineral vitamin powders. In addition to meat, vegetables, possibly dairy products, oils & treats, the recipes of Vitamin Optimix Cooking also contains cooked carbohydrates, so that the feed schedule becomes a classic cooking recipe.
With the Vitamin Optimix Barf plus Calcium, on the other hand, the plans are based only on the classic "BARF components" meat (& innards), possibly dairy products, vegetables, oils & treats.
The nutritional differences between these feed plans are so small that the same mineral powder fits both variants. The differences in the product names make it easier for you to choose the right powder. Another advantage is that you have the choice between two different food plans for one product (whether Vitamin Optimix Cooking or Barf plus Calcium) and that you can alternate if necessary - without having to buy another product.
With both products you can give the meat raw or cooked. Hardly any nutrients are lost during the cooking process, only the protein structure changes and any germs that may be present are killed. This makes the meat more tolerable for sensitive animals.
Blue particles in the Vitamin Optimix
The small blue particles that can sometimes be found in the powder are the copper components of the mineral mixture. Copper is a trace element that is particularly important for the ligaments as well as for blood, enzyme and pigment formation. The copper sulfate we use is blue. Since the individual parts attract each other like magnets, larger conglomerates can also occur, which you can recognize.
There is no impairment of the product.